David Crosby hits jogger in Southern California; no serious injuries

Posted by admin on March 29, 2015

According to an article found here, Los Angeles native David Crosby was involved in a motor vehicle accident where he allegedly struck a jogger. Apparently the jogger did suffer a couple of broken bones, but no other injuries. Crosby, who has a history of trouble with the law, was apparently not under the influence of alcohol or any other substance, he just simply had the California sun right in his eyes. For anyone who has ever dealt with the California sun, the possibility that it could case an accident is not far-fetched.


According to Sacramento DUI Defense Lawyer Michael Rehm, if Crosby was under the influence, and he was involved in an accident like the one here, he could be facing up to seven years in prison.  The reason being is that a DUI with injury carries a maximum penalty of three years, but when you add the “Great Bodily Injury” enhancement, you tack on an additional four years. Considering the fact the jogger suffered broken bones, the Great Bodily Injury enhancement would be appropriate.